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Welcome to!

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 3:01 pm
by crispycat
Welcome to, a forum for railfans in Philadelphia and surrounding areas. It is currently under construction, but new members are welcome to join. Moderator positions are available; please PM or email crispycat for more information.

1. Be respectful of other members. No name-calling, harassment, arguing, flame wars or malicious trolling.
2. No NSFW content. This includes pornography, lewd or suggestive pictures, videos and text.
3. No doxxing. Do not post other members' personal information without permission.
4. Post topics in the appropriate section.
5. Do not minimod. Report offending posts and move on.
6. Do not post content or links that contain viruses or other malicious code.
7. Do not spam. Advertising is prohibited unless it pertains to the discussion.
8. Do not post content that you do not have permission to use. Ask for permission before using another member's content, whether it be on- or offsite. This does not apply to links.

If you are unsure whether your content breaks the rules, please PM a moderator.